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Amore Collection


£289.00 £331.00

Toasted Brown
Dark Chocolate
Coffee Latte
Ginger Brown
Medium Brown
Honey Brown R
Marble Brown R
Creamy Blonde
Moccachino R
Spring Honey R
Creamy Toffee R
Melted Marshmallow
Mulberry Brown
Bubble Gum R
Auburn Sugar R
Illumina R
Smoky Grey R
Plumberry Jam LR.

Short layered bob with tousled waves and side swept fringe.

Colour Showing: Creamy Toffee R

Colours Available: Cappuccino, Toasted Brown, Dark Chocolate, Coffee Latte, Ginger Brown, Medium Brown, Honey Brown R, Marble Brown R, Creamy Blonde, Moccachino R, Spring Honey R, Creamy Toffee R, Melted Marshmallow, Chestnut, Mulberry Brown, Bubble Gum R, Auburn Sugar R, Illumina R, Smoky Grey R, Plumberry Jam LR.